Chapter XXXVI · Seven Senses

Within days, full-scale civil war exploded across Za’yii. Badama failed in the heavy assault against the royal palace and led sixty thousand White Rock troops back to temporariy station in Kirmir Territories, at the intersection of Shee Waters and Wong waters. He then sent his most trusted subordinates, General Hwungmulong and General Feymushian for a feat that astounded the entire steppes, to seek aid from Chienye.

When people heard this news, they only felt there was really no lack of wonders in the great wideness of the world. Years ago, for Yujien Tianhung’s highway robbery of his love, Badama was so furious to dropping the crown off his hair, and vowed in public: Their two tribes shall be blood foes for all generations, for eternity. Now he not only broke his own vow, he was licking his face to ask for aid. A proper royal prince of a nation actually begging to help from a former enemy. Badama could suffer this kind of disgrace, truly enduring what commoners cannot endure, a true saint of endurance!

And when the news came back around, people were even more shocked. Yujien Tianhung not only agreed to lend troops, he selected forty thousand elites on the very same day and departed towards Kirmir Territories to eliminate the disgraceful.

So, everyone waited with an onlooker’s amusement for the day of the love rivals’ meeting. And the people gleaning for information all buzzed restlessly like the flies in Fifth month.

Yet before this highly anticipated event took place, another startling news detonated: Bi’ro’s “Ingenious” General Lio Whu had selected thirty thousand elites, and, under the pretentious banners of old allies, enthusiastically came to supply his aid.

People felt no surprise at all at the news. Bi’ro and Za’yii had been allies for many years; that’s something from measureless cups of blood wines and an unbreakable brotherhood. Friends’ quibbling was taking out the knives, could they really sit and do nothing?

But the people who really knew said, what do you know? Before Badama struck out his troops this time, he personally went to visit Bi’ro to request for their aid. On the surface, The Old Fox appeared righteously furious, cursing Daishüban of his ungraciousness; but behind his back, he sent out envoys to the Za’yii royal palace for secret messages. And as the conflict started, he held his troops in station with ten thousand excuses, but kept a keen interest in the White Rock Labyrinth, surveying paths and charting maps. Isn’t it clear what he was trying to do? Badama saw through his beastly heart, and ripped off their pretenses right and there, causing no few unpleasantries. Don’t you see when the royal prince started his second attempt at rebellion, he rather asked for aid from Yujien Tianhung than consort with such a dishonorable fiend?

Though he didn’t go out of his way this time, the dishonorable fiend tagged along on his own, bringing a generous supply of rations, and sent it yammering and bustling before the Kirmir city gates; with his intent to sink investments abundantly true.

While Badama still held some reservation, Yujien already led his army to the gathering and met with open frankness, and accepted this ally that fell from the sky. The royal prince was left with no choice, and had to grudgingly take over the alliance banners. So, the three armies assembled before the city gates, and grandiosely marched towards the White Rock Palace, to crusade against the terrible tyrant king, who abducted his own sister-in-law and violated principle civil ethics.

Good shows ran continually through the march. Let alone the Old Lio Fox’s superb acts and songs, the blunt and short-tempered Badama also had an able counselor in the name of Iantu, who’s quick and eloquent and had a sharp tongue. Neither saw the other eye to eye, acting friendly on the surface, but mocked and scoffed at the other in the back. It was certainly grand entertainment! Qu Fongning stood by Yujien’s side, listening to the two phonies stabbing needles at each other. It was truly eye-opening, and refreshing to the ear. On the day of selecting the Commander General of the Alliance, the two performed “carrying a blade on a smile” to the extremity. Iantu insisted on nominating Yujien to be the leader with voluminous songs and adulations, and suggested obliquely, “We are regretful of our lack of manners during the days of the Southern campaign. The Ghost Sovereign can disregard our past indiscretions, his righteousness measures with the high heavens, and is nowhere comparable with some craven fiend.”

Lio Whu took no note of his jab, and said smilingly, “General Yujien has a special relationship with the royal prince, a long history for sure, of course he should bring his help. This humble one is an old friend with your honored country, but to speak of the familiarity with the royal prince, I must admit to be a level behind.”

“Perhaps not so certain?” Iantu hummed a laugh, and retorted, “If we’re to count blood beyond three generations, my royal prince is related to General Lio Whu by kinship. But your honor is rather intimate with the one sitting in the eastern palace, sending love letters every three, five days; I suppose you might not care about this relation very much, and might probably turn around and commit a kin slaughter for the greater good.”

Lio Whu tsked a laugh, his long foxy eyes intentionally or unintentionally sided a glance at Yujien. “Sometimes, under the critical circumstances, one is helpless to forsake father, mother, wife, or son, let alone kin thrice removed.”

Yujien sat with his arms crossed, his hand playing with the crushed ice from the nearby cooling bucket, and hearing these words, the corner of his lips shifted. “It looks like General Lio Whu has other plans. Perhaps we should discuss the matter of the commander general on another day?”

“With General Lio Whu’s thoughtfulness, it is fine for him to sit the position of the commander general. Yet I’m just afraid he might have a sudden trip of his leg, or a slip of his hand, and make us into a grand fishcake gift. And whether he is to savor it himself, or share it with another, I would not know,” Iantu scoffed from the side.

“This humble one has come from thousands of li away, rushing and worrying the entire way, only afraid that I cannot make it to the common cause of your liege. How could I have such evil intentions? I am willing to admire the Ghost Sovereign’s mastery,” Lio Whu resigned.

“Very well.” Yujien nodded politely. “In truth, with General Lio Whu’s prudence and foresight, and ability of commanding and deployments, he is more suitable than I am.” And before Lio Whu could respond, his tone changed, “But since I have you two honors’ esteem, I shall accept the position with no further courtesies.” And he proceeded to call over the flag bearer of the Defense Council and sent out orders one by one.

Iantu left on command. Lio Why’s eyes betrayed a touch of surprise and soon recovered to smile. He took over the order flag and left the ger.

“Would the Old Fox heed you tamely?” Qu Fongning whispered to him.

Yujien made no comment and only held his palm.

The temperature of his hands is much higher than others. It had just been soaked in the ice bucket, now it was as hot as before. Qu Fongning didn’t understand his meaning. He knelt on one knee by his side and said, pressing on his sword. “General, let me cool it for you a little longer.”

Yujien’s eyes shifted beneath his mask. “No rush,” he said. He held his hand, stroking it for a moment, and closed his hold, carefully examining it.

Qu Fongning never slacked on his usual archery practices; He pulled the bowstring no less than a thousand times every day, and his right index and middle fingers had bent and contorted. He knew it didn’t look very good. At this moment, as it fell in Yujien’s hand, he immediately squirmed, desperately trying to pull back his hand.

“What’re you running for?” said Yujien.

As soon as Qu Fongning heard his voice, his face warmed. When Yujien talked to others during the day, his voice was always cold and austere, and inducing an absolute sense of reverence. Only when he was alone with him at night, he would utter such low and husky murmurs by his ears. And often accompanied by hard thrusts and intense plunges. With the long abstinence through the campaign, him opening his mouth at this moment, his legs couldn’t help going weak. He sounded an “Mn,” and hid his hand behind his back. “It doesn’t look so good.”

Yujien laughed, seeming to have something to tell him, but as he opened his mouth, he responded to the previous topic. “How could a fox change its nature?”


In the beginning of the Seventh month, the alliance army arrived at the edge of the White Rock Labyrinth, and temporarily made camp. Bi’ro truly put in a substantial investment with this support mission. Apart from Lio Whu, they sent out three famous martial generals— Timurepach, Buhasch, and Scybuch—the three achs of the Heavenly Mountains. The Bi’ro King Asru used to boast, “If my country is to be compared with a titan, Lio Whu would be the head, and the three achs would be the iron limbs; the unity of wit and courage, invincible in all causes!” These three General Achs were tall of figure, proper of countenance, clad respectively in red umber, copper gold, and osmanthus blue; them riding high on their horse before their troops, such a pretty sight to behold. Yet, as they came under Yujien’s rule, they had absolutely no use of their martial prowess, and were merely ordered to escort rations and such menial works. Every one of them fumed with rage, shooting sparks at Yujien with their eyes, and just one step away from asking Lio Whu to cast curses at him.

Lio Whu rather held his air and appeased them with gentle tones and well words. Only until swift steeds returned with news of Daishüban’s royal host, and Yujien called for the war council overnight, did he remember to unhurriedly mention a word: Have your honor forgotten about those iron arm generals in the reserves? They are looking about to rust, my lord commander general better take them out for some wax and oils.

Yujien was more unhurried than he was, slighting him over a whole cup of tea, before saying that he had been occupied by odd tasks and wasn’t able to consider for all; He laughed and said if General Lio Whu is dissatisfied with the arrangement, he is welcome to combat on his own, no one is stopping him.

“I’ve heard, General Ghost Sovereign’s bosom is as wide as the sky, it seems…” Lio Whu made repeated signs, and lamented, “it’s only a passing rumor, and watching the heaven from a well. Aigh, this is a proverb from the Southern States. This humble one is shallow of learning; I’m not sure whether it’s applied correctly. I apologize for any offense.”

“Why, it couldn’t be used any better. Those who observe the sky from a well speaks of the smallness of the heavens, it’s not the sky that’s small, it’s their heart that’s narrow,” Yujien said with a smile, and then added, “Actually, I’ve always admired General Lio Whu’s wit and foresight. This commander general’s seat is not of my initial intend; your excellency only needs to nod your head, and I have no qualms of handing it over.”

Lio Whu’s brows flicked at the ends, revealing a profound smile. “I wonder how the general would like me to nod?”

Yujien posed a smile to him as well. “How about when Prince Allonby proposes to the Princess Ulaador of your honored country?”

Lio Whu laughed. “The General is such an amusing character. The matter of the state is of more import than the romance of boys and girls, that can be discussed later.”

Yujien sent off his silhouette with his gaze and hmphed a snort. Qu Fongning had been in Chienye for a long time, and was familiar with Princess Allonby’s hard pursual for this beautiful princess. He listened with a vague grasp, and said curiously, “General, why doesn’t he agree to this marriage?”

“He’s got the valuable asset on hand; of course he would hold for a better price. In truth, this match has more benefits than drawbacks to both sides. The Old Fox holding the beauty hostage is really somewhat petty-minded.”

Qu Fongning got a sudden idea, and said, “Is it possible that he’s not satisfied with Prince Allonby, and wants to marry the Princess… to you?”

Yujien roared with laughter and gave a spank to his bum. “How did you even come up with this!” He handily wrapped around him and pressed him down towards himself like a roly-poly. “Even if he thinks this way, I can’t marry her.”

“Why?” asked Qu Fongning, fully knowing the answer.

Yujien pulled the slender waist beneath his military uniform towards himself. “Because I don’t like someone staring from the side when I’m fucking my son,” he said in a serious tone.

Qu Fongning’s eyes reddened with the gaze. He buried his entire face into his shoulders. Yujien touched his raven black hair, teasing him. “Why, hot again?”

“Don’t you touch my ears, I can’t stand up no more,” Qu Fongning muttered mutedly.

“Oh? Is your feet weak? Or…” Yujien’s voice dropped, pressing on his crotch, “hard here?”

Qu Fongning went half hard under his touch, and a film of moisture surfaced in his eyes. But Yujien didn’t help him finish, merely gave him a few sloppy gropes and patted his rear in dismissal, and went to the disassembly gong ring. He saw him gazing poignantly at himself, and consoled, “The Old Fox would be suspicious, endure a few more days, mn?”

Qu Fongning was very unhappy. He collected himself sulkily, complaining, “It’s like we are having an affair!”

“Load of crap. Who taught you this? What kind of bad friends have you been seeing!” Yujien chided with a laugh. He helped him adjust his lopsided belt and let him out.


In a few days, scouts reported: small groups of Za’yii royal forces was discovered ahead, appearing to be vanguard scouts, and each team with no more than a thousand men. Badama took to the report with an insidious face, and without a word, went forward himself with ten thousand men. He hacked all the scouts into minced meat, save only a one-armed centurion captain ordered to take back all the heads. Yet, this centurion captains was very tough, displaying no fear at the golden saber in the royal prince’s hand, glared with a broad chest, and bellowed, “Your Highness Royal Prince, the great king has slighted civil ethics, that is a domestic matter; your mutiny and treason will destroy an entire country! Us dying for the nation today is a thousand times more honorable than you traitor!” And with a flip of his wrist, he thrusted a shattered bone through his own throat.

Badama’s hand that held the blade turned white. His throat hissed, and his expression seemed to be crying and laughing. “Traitor… Traitor…. Hahaha!” And he suddenly pulled off the padded armor from his body, revealing a chest covered with scars, screaming, “Ever since adulthood, I had campaigned the four directions for him, fighting on the edges of life and death, accomplishing countless trying feats. Now I only want to take back my wife, and is becoming a traitor reviled by all!” His chest full of fury seethed beyond relief, and a sudden snap, the golden saber broke into halves.

Yujien arrived at the news, and spoke mildly from the side, “A sovereign has no domestic matters. The royal prince’s rebellion banners have no fault to civility or patriotism.”

“The royal prince’s crown-tipping fury for love is a model for us men of passion. How could a man without sincere emotions and passions rule a country of enlightenment and virtue?” Lio Why also provided from the side.

Badama fell silent and led his troops back to camp. In the end, he turned back for a look at the centurion captain’s body, his throated rolled and dropped two words: “Honor burial.”


That day, the alliance army entered the labyrinth and made camp on an open field. The White Rock Labyrinth was flat of topography with a strange terrain, with white sands across the earth, coarse and hard to traverse. Tens of thousands of weathered boulders stood on the ground like stalagmite, or yellow orchestral bells, or rock mounds with nine holes, or mottled ceremonial pillars. The mighty army of a hundred thousand troops entered in separate teams, terribly congested and hard to advance a single step. Qu Fongning had been used to running wild between the high heaven and limitless pasture, and this frustrating way of crowding with others was unutterably stifling and insufferable. As the sun fell, he immediately picked a strange giant boulder, and piggy-backing his case of pomegranates, climbed up to take in the wind.

This wind didn’t have any sense of gentle coolness or moisture, and rather an aridity of dry sands parching over minerals. He sat for a while on top of the rock and already had a thin film of white sand layer over his clothes. Afraid that the pomegranate would get dusty, he carefully closed the bronze lid of the ice tumbler. He lifted his head, watching the camp far away, saw Badama lost in thought by the fire, and couldn’t help imitating his posture, curling up one knee and holding up a hand in support. “What is he thinking about?” he thought.

And he suddenly realized someone was nearby and followed to look. Yujien was looking at him from below, the button of his military uniform half loosened, the two snow-white sleeves coiled a number of folds, and his muscular chest and arms plains to view. Seeing him gaping to below, he called, “Monkey-born, what chu doing again?”

“…Catching wind,” Qu Fongning answered dazedly, scratching his ears.

Yujien laughed, walked up from his back, and nudged his back with his knee. “Move over a bit.”

Qu Fongning hastened aside and let him sit snug by himself. This rock wasn’t very spacious, and was a little tight for sitting two people. Yujien’s two long legs almost had nowhere to place, and outright crossed to hang in midair.

Qu Fongning inclined over a little more, allowing his two legs to rest straight and proper. Despite this, he still looked like a monkey on a mountain. Yujien’s sitting posture was much more casual than he was, but won with his imposing air. As he sat down, this boulder promptly became his empire.

Qu Fongning finally managed to stabilize himself and saw that he had been relieved of his shoulder plates and armor. “General, you aren’t going to council today?” he remarked curiously.

“Mn. Keep you company for a bit,” said Yujien.

Qu Fongning’s ears warmed, and he voiced a tiny “Oh.” But under the surveillance of hundreds and thousands of eyes, there couldn’t be any action, and he could only sit by his arm and chitchat on some inconsequential small talk. The wind was too dry. Soon, his lips cracked, his tongue tasted bitter, and he proceeded to stick his hand into the ice tumbler and grabbed a pomegranate to snack.

Yujien watched him gorging to lips scarlet red and white air above his hand, and felt a little funny. “Let me eat one too.”

Ever since Qu Fongning had known him, he had never seen him consume any snacks or treats. And as for melons or fruits with shells or seeds, that was even less to be mentioned, there was nothing to begin with! He had a panic at these words, then picked up a big seed in the size of a fingertip, and nibbed it up prudently with his finger. He saw that he didn’t have any intention to receive it, sided his body a little, and fed it into his lips.

Before his hand withdrew, his fingers warmed and had already been caught by Yujien’s teeth, with his tongue going for a nudge, and received a bite before letting go. His entire hand instantly burned with a searing paralysis, and returned onto his own legs in a masking discretion. His eyes dared not looking at him. “My hand is not editable.”

Yujien stretched out his left hand and hugged half around him, dropping his voice low. “Oh? Where are you editable?”

Qu Fongning couldn’t be more familiar with how much self-control he could exercise during campaigns. He did not wish to embarrass himself, and returned a look in taunt. “…Not letting you eat.”

A smile grew in the eyes beneath Yujien’s silver mask. He wrapped tighter around him. “Earlier today, when you took your troop past the Hai sign and stopped your steed to hurry troopers, what did you find?”

The White Rocks Labyrinth was divided into twelve rings by the twelve Greater Ying Stems. The layout of rock formations varied in each layer, like the increments of tree rings, and the Hai sign was the outermost layer. Qu Fongning perceived he was testing his observation, and dared not to be careless. He ruminated for a while and said, hesitantly, “The Old Fox stayed in the rear on purpose, and often eyed towards the southwest. Could it be…” He saw Yujien’s gaze shift, and halted his lips.

Yujien tenderly caressed his back and smiled at him. “Da-ge is flirting with you, don’t be so serious.”

Qu Fongning let out a tiny humph, and subtly leaned into him. “You were looking at me again?”

The corner of Yujien’s lips moved. “I heard you bellowing orders from the horse, hurrying people to follow up. When the old boy heard that end tone of yours…” He brushed lightly on his ears and rasped, “I got hard on the spot.”

A jolt zapped across Qu Fongning’s body, and he nearly couldn’t sit tight. He shot him a glare, the corners of his eyes already red.

Yujien liked best this powerless, poignant expression of his, and teased him again on purpose, “Give me another seed?”

Face puffed, Qu Fongning extended his hand over, and felt a piercing gaze from his feet. Lio Whu came before the two’s boulder in fluttering grand robes. His foxy eyes fell on Yujien’s arm around his waist. “General, I like to pursue a cause for myself.”

His senior excellency coming personally to pursue a cause, it was certainly a great matter. Two guards knelt on the ground, holding the map high in their hands. Lio Whu detailed from here to there, with overflowing suave and charm, on areas of question. Yujien sat motionless and made a rough sweep from above, and concluded, “The southwestern corridors are quiet and prime for concealing raiders, a concern which I fear. Tomorrow at noon, there might be a hard battle when we pass from Three Winds Woods into the center Hai sign. I’ve no ability to divide attention to investigate potential dangers, and must trouble General Lio Whu.”

Lio Whu beamed and turned his gaze towards Qu Fongning. “General has used heavy words. Such is my responsibility. Only this humble one is old and frail, a decrepit candle in the wind. I hope the General would not be miserly to grant one or two martial commanders, and I would not be helpless in the event of encountering enemies.”

He was no older than forty, and had been well maintained, rosy-cheeked with only minor wrinkles at the corner of his eyes. Qu Fongning heard his “old and frail” and nearly snorted out loud.

Yujien took a mild glance at him and gave a profound smile. “In this case, let our Captain Qu go with you.”

“How dare I disturb General’s… beloved officer?” Lio Whu feigned a surprise.

“If you have such concerns—” Yujien immediately provided.

Lio Whu had suffered this loss once, and raced to take over. “This humble one has admired Captain Qu’s youthful valor ever since Khilan. Since the commander general has spoken, I shall trouble your assistance.” He nodded a smile to Qu Fongning with complete elegance and manner.

Qu Fongning hastened a bow in return. “You flatter me. This humble officer is young and inexperienced, I hope for General Lio Whu’s forgiveness for any negligence.”

“I look forward to working with Captain Qu,” said Lio Whu, smiling into a squint. He snapped his fingers, and the map was folded into the size of a normal book. He tucked it up and recovered it into his sleeves, and took his leave.

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