Chapter XXI · Merak Phecda

Dew and hearts deep, the yurt tip half open, the pale moon frost spilled along Qu Fongning’s naked spine. One of Yujien’s arms pillowed beneath his head, the other cuddled around him, caressing along the small of his back. His breathing gradually evened. “Going to sleep? Didn’t sleep well down there?” he asked, relaxed.

Qu Fongning strained open his exhausted lids and hummed. “Started fighting as soon as we went down, didn’t dare to sleep all night. Uighshön shouted a death order to eat me first… Then the wolves came, and we could sleep a bit every day. I assigned them to the night watch especially on the part before sunrise. He didn’t know I was messing with him, was so sleepy even his face was swollen, and still skinning leg flesh for me.”

“Oh? How did our little leader tame the enemy, let us have a hear.” Yujien chortled.

Qu Fongning nodded with his chin, lifted a leg and threw a clean, firm kick into the air. “I saved his life.”

His voice still held some tenderness from the climax. Yujien leaned in for a kiss. “Ningning, you have some adult manners in front of others. Before me, your childishness comes out a lot more.”

Qu Fongning licked his lips, regarded him for a moment, then said: “You don’t like it?”

“Like it very much,” said Yujien. Nudging with his nose, he said: “Best as a kid, can’t run away your whole life.”

Qu Fongning’s raven black eyes, glistening with watery light, rose to him. Their lips and tongues entangled, and Qu Fongning’s body warmed again. Yujien’s groins hardened as well, and he leaned over, half pressing on him. “Again? Can you get up tomorrow?” he rasped.

Qu Fongning’s thin bottoms hung loosely on him, rubbing at the ice-cold bronze buckle on his lower body. Upon his words, he suddenly laughed.

“What chu laughing about?” asked Yujien. Lost his cool from his titillations, he kissed his cheeks and peeled his underwear.

“Nothing. They gave me a nickname today,” Qu Fongning laughed, rocking his head.

Yujien paused, indicating to him to continue. Qu Fongning regarded him, his lips moved, mouthing: “Crown Prince.”

Yujien exploded with laughter. “These rascals!”


Morn the next day, the sky was still pitch-black, the longhorns already blared up. Qu Fongning returned to the new recruits’ camp half an hour earlier. He woke Gerrgu, Uighshön and the others at the call, and hurried towards the practice field. The elites of the eight divisions were already in position, but drew out an open field at the west side of the court especially for the rookies. Uniformly gray-clad training officers stood before the lines. The training captain counted the heads and followed to deliver the military edict. And now the crowd finally learned that the Ghost Army was comprised of three types of soldiers:

The first was the fourteen thousand unified soldiers allocated by King Andai’s imperial red script in the army’s founding. These military titles were hereditary; sons carried on after fathers. Shepherds in times of peace, and soldiers in times of war. These people often had wives, old, and young, and did not station within the City of Ghost. The second were the foreign soldiers recruited from conquest as auxiliary corps, who were low in stature, and often engaged in smithing, civil construction, and other miscellaneous work, and rarely went on battles. The third were the garrison elites, called the standing forces. With extremely demanding daily training, they fueled the vanguard in conquests, and one was worth a hundred. The past survivors of the crater were invariably conscripted into therein. The Ghost Army’s godlike formations moved under the natural order of change1; from such, the army was divided into Chien Aer, Kun Terra, Chen Sicitas, Shun Humitas, Kan Aqua, Li Ignis, Ken Frigititas, and Tui Caliditas Divisions. Every day at the first quarter of Shen time2, they were to proceed to the martial fields for drills and await the Lord Commander for the formation review.

The training captain then read the schedule of the martial training: it began every day at Yin time and ended at You Time3. The training included drawing bows and crossbows, drilling formations, sparring and wrestling, blades and armors and such. There were also single-legged horse stances, squats holding giant rocks, heavy-armor jumps, weighted runs and various other courses. From time to time, in the interim of the intense trainings, the three armies and eight divisions also held various stunt competitions, such as camel jumps, throwing bulus4, catching arrows, weightlifting, and etcetera. The victorious division received praise, and the defeated divisions doubled in training. It was the most effective tool for pushing soldiers and establishing order.

As the announcement concluded, Cher Bien was the first to grumble and hiss to Qu Fongning: “Your dad here, how is this military training? This is rushing death!” And the training captain’s electric gaze instantly fell on them two. “Who is whispering?” he hollered. Qu Fongning had to stand out from the line. The training captain scrutinized him sharply. “When you were slaves, you also dared to interrupt like this?” he said, and the staff officer on the side hurried a few words in his ear. The training captain was still fixed at Qu Fongning, cracking a whip bloom on his hand. “I don’t care who you are! In the army, you are the slave! Military order and discipline are your masters! Hearing your superior’s commands, you are to obey wholeheartedly without question!” he said, raised the horsewhip, and struck ten times on his back. On seeing this, Gerrgu, Uighshön and the others were startled aghast, and sealed shut their mouths.

That night, Qu Fongning laid on Yujien’s knees pitifully, nagging him to rub his back, and took the chance to tell his grievance of the day. “You dare to complain to me? Violating army rules is intolerable. If you were under my order, I’d already made you back blossom!” Yujien chuckled. Qu Fongning was terribly dismayed. “He said I’m a slave, and the military order is the master. Isn’t this bullshit? I’m human, not some cattle. If he tells me to die, should I really die?” he rebuffed. “Well said! Do you know who first said these words?” lauded Yujien. Qu Fongning’s scalp thumped. “It can’t… can’t be…” he stammered. “That’s right, precisely the Lord Commander of your honored army.” Yujien nodded and smiled. Qu Fongning dry-laughed in twos. “Now that I think again, these words do make some sense. No, no, the greatest sense, the most sensible dictum!” Yujien chortled and spanked his bottom. “Ass-kisser!”

Qu Fongning’s ability to assess circumstances was also unsurpassed in practice. Finding no backs to fall on, he obediently committed to the training and caused no more trouble. He was athletic in hand and arm, incomparable in riding and shooting. And as the leader of the rabble, he was subtly driving an example with himself. As the month passed, the results were appreciable, for even the training commander was impressed with him. On the Eleven month’s recruits parade, Qu Fongning and Uighshön’s combat of crossbow shootout won the ovation of the entire field. The training captain stood by a side of the fences and sneered: “Foundation’s lacking!” But he turned around and allowed a great compassion, letting them off for the three routine breaks that he had deducted previously. By now, Cher Bien and Uighshön’s crowd already mingled as thick as kins, and immediately went drinking, holding arms and shoulders. Ever since Gerrgu shared a breeze of spring with Madam Danki, it was like the bloom of an elm; he had to go rendezvous a few times a month. And as soon as he got a break, he cheerily went off to the Ulan yurts. Uncle Hwei finally got a moment of peace, then turned around and saw Qu Fongning burrowing into the yurt.

“You’re not going up?” he said, surprised. “Why should I go up?” said Qu Fongning, confused. “You and him, so intimate as father and son, got so much to talk about, and only let you back in the wee hours this morning. How come you’re not going up today?” Uncle Hwei was even more surprised. “What father and son, how come you are saying this too?” scoffed Qu Fongning, yawned and flopped down on the ground. “Not going,” he said sluggishly, “talking… to him, is even more tiring.”

But the curtain door flapped over at this instant. Tigerhead Twine’s baby face showed itself in and chirped, “Little Big Brother Qu! We’re here to congratulate you!”

Qu Fongning leaped up and dashed out of the yurt. Little Ting’yu was turning around in the wheelchair, holding a densely patterned wool felt blanket. “Why did you come?” Qu Fongning exclaimed happily. Little Ting’yu passed over the blanket with the faint spread of a smile on his lips. “I can’t come see you?”

Qu Fongning held it in his hand and was touched in his heart. “You are the commander general of an army now. You are not afraid of doing these works of care as losing your stature?”

“How am I losing my stature sending a blanket to a friend?” said Little Ting’yu, and patted his handle, signaling him to push himself.

“Then thank you so much, friend. Where do you wanna go?” laughed Qu Fongning.

“I haven’t gone to see grandpa Jorrji in a long time. Let’s go see him at the medicine yurt!” said Little Ting’yu.


The steppe’s early winter was already fairly chilly; even the winds along the Mei waters took on the feel of snow. The two walked for a stretch, then Qu Fongning halted his pace, took out an old pelt from the back of the chair, shook it open and wrapped him up. “How am I this delicate now?” Little Ting’yu smiled. Qu Fongning tied on the wind buckle on his collar. “Now you are certainly more delicate. If you catch a cold and your esteemed army charges blame, I wouldn’t be able to take that on,” he said. Little Ting’yu laughed. “Where did you learn this banter? Your esteemed army, I see you are the esteemed army!” Suddenly, the wheelchair stopped, and he studied Qu Fongning for a moment. “… You really are the esteemed army now,” he said, with some reserve.

Qu Fongning found his expression peculiar, seeming forlorn, and seeming vacant, and so he smiled. “Isn’t it the same everywhere?”

Little Ting’yu nodded slowly, and said to himself: “Yeah, all the same.” He turned around and then spun back his head. “You look great in these clothes.”

“Your commander general’s cloak looks even greater.” Qu Fongning giggled. He pushed him leisurely before the medicine yurt. Jorrji saw the two’s arrival, was so happy that he couldn’t contain his smile, and hurried Songshr to make milk tea. Songshr frantically took down her silver hand knife to prepare tea for the two. “I want half-a-knife of salt, one knife of sugar, no leaves, lots of cream,” fussed Qu Fongning. “When did your mouth turn so picky?” Little Ting’yu was a tad surprised and turned his head. “Sister, don’t bother about him. I want one knife salt, one knife sugar…” Qu Fongning pushed him into a ruckus of laughter. Little Ting’yu laughed too, dodging him and ordering nonsense in his mouth. In the end, they were clamoring all out of manners, and he was yelling all over: “No milk! No tea either!”

Jorrji promptly invited them two out. As they came out, it still seemed funny. Little Ting’yu wiped his eyes and remarked: “Haven’t laughed like this for so long.”

Qu Fongning stood by his side, looking at the field of yellow sere grass. “Not happy being the general?”

Little Ting’yu’s smile faded. He watched the horizon with him and said quietly, “I don’t know. There are times of happiness, but more of unhappiness.”

“How is it going with the election of those hundred commanders of yours?” said Qu Fongning.

“Don’t mention it. I finally found a breather. Please let me be. Some of them are really clingy!” Little Ting’yu waved his hand.

“Isn’t clingy good? They like you, want to be close to you. That’s why they cling onto you.” Qu Fongning smiled.

A curious color spread in Little Ting’yu’s eyes. “When you hold the power in your hands, and all these people ingratiate on you, then you don’t know which hearts are true and which are false.” He gave a wry laugh, and said: “Only when you have nothing, and those who are willing to cling on you are the ones who truly like you, and want to be close with you.”

Qu Fongning’s lips shifted, and he nodded. “Grandpa and Sis like you a lot, throughout the season, changing the recipes to nourish you.”

Little Ting’yu’s gaze fell on him, and he signed, “You know I’m not talking about…”

The curtains behind them moved lightly, it was Songshr poking out of the yurt with her head drooped. Finding the two looking at her at the same time, her face broiled, and she said quietly, “Grandpa… said he’ll cook the tea himself, not letting me… be in there.”

“Songshr Sis is turning more and more coy? It can’t be that she has a crush?” Qu Fongning smiled.

Songshr’s face reddened to her eyes in an instant, but firmly pressed her lips. Little Ting’yu darted her a look as well. “What’s so strange about little girls having a crush? You want to get to know him anyhow?” he said.

“Of course,” said Qu Fongning. “Why wouldn’t I see him? I want to know which bloke is it, how’s his hand and arm, and whether he’s good enough to drop the whip for my Songshr Sis!”

Little Ting’yu laughed. “I’m afraid it’s probably a princess is not my wish.” He turned to study the mask on his left arm and asked, “How are you holding up over there? I heard your training is very harsh.”

“It’s alright, I grit my teeth and get over it. I started out as a slave. This bit of hardship I can still endure,” said Qu Fongning, unconcerned.

Little Ting’yu expression shifted. “Yeah, I almost forgot.” His gaze turned icy. “Oh yes, do you know where Qu Lyn ran off to?”

“I heard from General Yujien that he is hiding in Za’yii territory,” said Qu Fongning, looking at him.

“That’s right. He’s flying some vigilante banners, calling himself the leader of the Carmine Clouds, leading a throng of mishmash rebels, and squatting on the west side of the Monzaerd grasslands. Daishüban insists that there is no such thing. I suspect they have long cooperated in secret and conspired together,” he said, clenching teeth and the chair arm. “Just wait until I catch him with my own hands, I’ll carve out his heart to honor my father’s soul in the heavens!”

“That crowd he’s got is cobbled together from scrape. It won’t go anywhere. Don’t you stress over it too much,” Qu Fongning entreated warmly.

Little Ting’yu’s face turned from thin red to pallid, and shook. “I have been thinking about how I can make my father’s army… I don’t dare to say how strong, at least don’t degenerate in my hands. Every day, every night, every hour… I only wish every soldier could have unlimited strength, but… that’s impossible. Men always need to rest, need to eat, and feel fatigue. Not everyone can be like you…”

Qu Fongning’s eyes sparkled. “I know something that doesn’t rest, doesn’t eat, nor feel fatigue.” He lifted a finger and pointed at the mechanical crossbow beneath his arm.

Stupefied for a moment, an idea flashed across his head like sparks and flame. “You, you are saying…” he stammered, “to use machines?”

“I didn’t say that. But these mechanical things are your specialty,” Qu Fongning said with a laugh.

Heart pounding like a drum, Little Ting’yu straightened from the wheelchair, his fist tapping on the handle. “But…” he said, hesitantly.

Before he could finish, Qu Fongning interrupted, “Little General, there’s something you just said that isn’t right. The Western Army is not your father’s army anymore.”

He knelt down, and looking at Little Ting’yu, he smiled.

“—It’s yours.”

Little Ting’yu’s hand slowly relaxed. “Yeah, Father isn’t here anymore…” he mumbled to himself. “It’s mine.”

Suddenly, a small cough came from behind the two.

Qu Fongning turned around and apologized, “We only chatted amongst ourselves and left you out!”

Songshr shook her head, her shining black braids spinning in the wobble. “It’s okay. Only… when we were together before, Big Brother Little Ting’yu always tugged along this big red kite, and you… picked up many snake skins from the waterside to scare me. No one mentioned any word of it today… I should be happy for your two, but I don’t know why… I feel a little sad instead.”

“I’d scared you? Really sorry about that,” said Qu Fongning, chuckling.

Little Ting’yu’s eyes were full of fervor. “What are you sad about? From onwards, your brothers will be the great heroes of the steppes, and we’ll have so much time together. By then, when the three of us walk along the water bank with our horses, which little girl wouldn’t be envious of you?”

“I don’t want people to be envious of me at all,” Songshr said silently in heart.

But she never voiced it in the end. She only stood quietly on the side and watched the pale winds passing by their sides.


Nights of early winter come early. On the open plains, the tiny speck of warm light of Nien House almost tethered at people’s hearts.

When Qu Fongning entered, Old Ha was struggling in the arm wrestle with Gerrgu, while Cher Bien held his ground, gagging and horseplaying. Gerrgu gawked at the broken bowl before him, letting out a stupid laugh every once in a while. Uighshön grabbed Nien Hanr around the waist, his hairy hand fondling into his clothes, curious: “This little lady’s pretty, male or female?”

He humphed and opened his mouth, “Uighshön, let go of my wife.”

Uighshön, thunderstruck, rose in a jolt, and almost flung Nien Hanr out. “It’s… Boss’s woman? Sorry!”

“I won’t fault you this time,” said Qu Fongning, graciously, “If there’s another time, you can cut off your balls.”

Uighshön’s entire height shrunk. “Yes!” his voice trembled.

Nien Hanr smoothed out the corners of his dress. “Who’s your wife? Fuck off, motherfucker,” he said cooly.

His usual speech was all sweet and soft. Even if it took on some ire or anger, it tickled like a feather. This word motherfucker was the first time the others had heard from him, and they couldn’t help but gawk and gape.

Qu Fongning was unfazed and giggled. “Apologies for the laughs, my wife is a little thin on the skin.” His figure moved and dodged out of Nien Hanr’s lightning slap. “Talk properly with words, don’t be crude!” he tsked, grabbed his hand and brought him into the cellars. Having confirmed that no one was around, he dropped his voice. “Cher Nuha’s case didn’t have giveaways?”

Nien Hanr rubbed his wrist and answered in a low voice. “Two people came to query. I bluffed them away.”

“Be careful at all times,” said Qu Fongning.

Nien Hanr coldly swept him a look, his petallike lips shifted up and down: “Don’t worry, even if I am to die, I’ll drag you along to cushion my back.”

Qu Fongning stared at his clean profile and suddenly laughed. “Little Hanr, I realized… when you are talking tough, your heart isn’t so tough.”

Nien Hanr’s bewitching eyes narrowed faintly, the coolness deepened. “You think after this, you and I are common comrades? Don’t be so naïve—I still hate you.”

Qu Fongning smiled. “I know. I also hate you.”

His smile was too blinding. In the fury, Nien Hanr smiled also, and said insidiously, “I heard from them just now, you and that lord war god… share a bed?”

Qu Fongning’s heart jumped, foreboding that he hadn’t got something good to say. And truly, like the flicks of a viper’s tongue, it came one word after another: “How does it feel to have a man doing your ass?”

However high his acumen might be, he couldn’t understand this sentence at the moment. “What?” he blurted.

Nien Hanr smiled decadently. “What? Got your backdoor all tramped through, and still playing your innocence?” His voice dropped low to his ear, “I heard Yujien Tianhung’s item on the bottom is uncommonly majestic, even the ordinary women cannot endure it. You slept with him and can still stand here; no wonder you’re the Little Damu of our great steppes. You really got some ability!”

Qu Fongning’s heart was stirring a tempest and his head raging lightning and thunder, but he still didn’t forget to talk back in the chaos, “You being such a master in this matter, I dare say your abilities are only better.”

Nien Hanr giggled. “How can I compare to you, so eager to offer your ass to fuck?” And he waved in front of himself with some disgust. “Don’t speak to me anymore. That mouth of yours, I don’t know what nasty stuff you’ve held in there!”

“Keep your mouth clean. I’m not as foul as you are!” snapped Qu Fongning.

“What, I’ve said wrong? You take the pretense of father and son. You can fool others; you can’t fool me,” he humped, turned to exit, and turned to give him a charming smile. “Don’t forget, we are the same type of people!”


In the deep cold of autumn night, the vesture surfaces blew like windy sails. Qu Fongning sprawled out on all fours, lolling on the bed, feigning death.

Yujien came in from the shower, saw his exhausted state, seemed to find it pitifully adorable, and lowered for a kiss on his back. “So tired? Where did you go wild this afternoon?”

Qu Fongning let out a ugh, shuffled his body, and propped a leg over him.

Yujien wiped his hair. “Your training captain reported to me your training progress. It’s alright, no words of disparagement. He even commended… you two sentences.”

“What did he commend me for?” Qu Fongning finally found some energy.

The training captain’s original words were: Uighshön, Cher Bien and the list of new recruits are of violent nature, and all without regard to military discipline; they are potential menaces. Qu Fongning befriends such characters, one, out of life and death sentiments, and two, out of a keen understanding of the vices, and might fight evil with evil. This really couldn’t be considered as praise, so Yujien only said: “Just know that he praised you is enough. Shove your paw!” He pushed him into the inner side and cuddled him into his arms.

Qu Fongning’s calves were posted by his lower body, and felt that he was kind of hard again. In the darkness, he mustered up some courage and opened his mouth: “Da-ge, I heard something incredible today.”

“Very well, I have something to tell you as well,” said Yujien, and let him pillow on his arm. “You speak.”

How could Qu Fongning say it out loud? He mumbled, “It’s…”

Yujien admired his anxious manner and prodded: “It’s?” He lowered his head to kiss his lips, his hand slid down his waist as well.

Qu Fongning clenched his teeth, his face buried on his shoulder, and extremely lightly, spit out the words. Yujien’s expression froze. “Use mouth? Who told you this?”

“Is it true…” said Qu Fongning, face red.

“It’s true that,” said Yujien with a frown, and kissed his broiling cheek. “How can I make you do that? It’s so dirty!”

“There’s an even dirtier place that I didn’t say,” thought Qu Fongning. Remembering the last time Yujien made love with him, he did probe into the crack of his buttocks, but only touched momentarily and immediately let go. Reminded of that, his heart cried: “So close.”

Still lost in his reveries, Yujien suddenly fixed on him and opened his mouth: “You want to try it?”

“Do you want me to try it?” Qu Fongning returned his gaze in trepidation.

As soon as the words left his mouth, he clearly felt Yujien’s lower member swell significantly larger, and regretted the trouble he let out of his mouth.

Yet who would’ve thought, Yujien’s throat rolled up and down, then he still shook his head. “I won’t force you.”

“You obviously like it very much,” thought Qu Fongning. He curled his calves, kissed deeply with him for a moment until their breathing lost order, and parted to inquire: “Da-ge, what were you going to say?”

“Almost forgot from your shakeup.” Yujien just parted from his lips. “It’s Khilan’s matter. Princess Uli has charged thirty thousand Imperial Army on Hydrocharis Mires. The remaining palace elites are dealing to make peace, but with poor results. I imagine, within days, the two sides will take action.”

“Good and all, why is family fighting family? King Shrunle loves the princess so much, even if she wants to be queen, he’ll let her,” exclaimed Qu Fongning.

An unfathomable dimness flew across Yujien’s eyes. “It’s a pity that what she wants this time, her lord father cannot give her.”

Qu Fongning’s heartbeat halted for an instant. In the dark night, he only saw Yujien’s firm lips moving faintly.

“She wants Queen Lan’s life.”


Yongning fourth year, Eleventh month, drastic changes of the winds and clouds in Khilan. King Shrunle’s Palatial Guards and Uli’s Imperial Army held a standoff before Hydrocharis Mires. The two sides could not make peace. Herr Gen called the battle and rode out of formation, and slayed General Donngong, captain of the Palatial Guards, under his steed. The Palatial Guards fell into chaos, and the Imperial Army rode straight in and charged into the palace. King Shrunle took Queen Lan to retreat into the Phecda State’s stronghold—the Eternal Sea—and struggled on with the Imperial Army, while pleading for help from Chienye. And King Andai called for an emergency congress overnight, to confer with the generals on the question: To help, or not to help?

It was the first time for Little Ting’yu to take part in such an important decision, and he felt immensely excited. He had an extraordinary sentiment towards Khilan. As soon as he heard the inquiry, he wholeheartedly cried out: “Help! How can we not help?”

The generals unanimously chorused their wish to pledge troops to the aid. Yujien propped one arm over the black stone table, and said languidly: “Help, we’ll naturally help, but to help who—is the question that requires discussion.”

Little Ting’yu gawked at these words. “What is there to discuss? Aren’t we obviously going to help the one with divine destiny, King Shrunle, or are we really going to help Princess Uli’s unrighteous rebels?” But the ger was silent. It seemed the generals had assumed Yujien as the leader of the horde, and no one even dared to rebuke such ridiculous statements.

“Tian-ge, you…” came a broken, hoarse voice, “what are you saying? It’s true that you are friendly with Princess Uli, but A’lan… A’lan is our blood and flesh tribesman!” It was the always as gentle as spring rays Guo Wuliang.

“Changing a path, how is that harming our tribesman’s life?” Yujien said mildly and swept Guo Wuliang with a meaningful look. “A’lan is forever our little sister, whether she is the Queen of Khilan, what difference does that make?”

Guo Wuliang’s face turned from green to white, then from white to red. “Tian, Tian-ge has spoken true; Wuliang… has been imprudent.”

“King Shrunle had been immensely magnanimous towards our Chienye. I had already betrothed Princess Shuelyn to his second son, but to back out now would be hard-pressed not to receive ridicule,” said King Shrunle, appearing troubled.

“If my lord king can bestow an estate and let him rest out his years, that would be most benevolent enough,” answered Yujien.

The scene of him and King Shrunle before the white as snow palace, pushing cups and clinging bowls, and drinking in harmony flashed before Little Ting’yu eyes. He couldn’t help a shudder.

The generals rang a buzz, discussing the strange geography of Merak Phecda States, how it shifted and changed, and would be difficult to conquer. Chienye had spent much in conquest for many years, and it could not compare to Khilan’s wealth of stocked forces. If they didn’t have a flawless plan, they better play by ear.

Beneath the mask, Yujien’s eyes seemed to have a sneer. “Flawless, the word contains a flaw. The golden opportunity disappears in an instant, how will it allow dawdling back and forth!?”

As these words dropped, the crowd’s narrative unified. The following day, King Andai answered King Shrunle: At the unexpected bad news, your most loyal ally, amidst the shock, feels the deepest sympathies. To keep our faith as friends and to return the favors of yesterday, I command Yujien Tianhung, Guo Wuliang, Shivon, and Dardum to lead sixty thousand soldiers towards Lii waters to counter the rebellion.

Before the camp strike, the training captain instructed Qu Fongning’s new recruits team: “This counterinsurgency of Khilan rebels is your test of entering the forces. Those who cut short of ten rebel heads can await the care of military poles on their return.” He certainly didn’t take it to mind, turned his head around, and off he went to find Yujien. As soon as he opened his mouth, he asked, “Did my Big Brother Herr revolt as well?”

Yujien was studying a granularly exquisite sandbox, and answered nonchalantly, “The wife and husband share one heart, of course they’d revolt together.”

Qu Fongning came to look with him as well. “Then we need to kill him when we see him?”

Yujien hummed without confirmation or denial. Suddenly, his brow arched, and he nipped his face over. “Why? Begrudged to kill him?”

“Of course, my Big Brother Herr is both handsome and good on hand; I like him very much,” said Qu Fongning, difficultly.

Yujien closed in to his face, showing as a threat. “I’m not handsome? I’m not good at hand? Who made you cum twice this morning?”

“I’m talking serious with you!” yelped Qu Fongning.

“Fine, serious.” Yujien chuckled and pointed to himself. “Give me a serious one.”

Qu Fongning gave him a loud and clear smooch. Yujien, refreshed in the mood, cuddled him on his lap and pointed to the sandbox. “Know what this is?”

Qu Fongning observed the crisscrossing paths arranged like stars and go pieces, and guessed, “Khilan’s map?”

“Correct, this is Merak State,” said Yujien, and pointed to a spot in the center, “this is Phecda State.”

The terrain map was constructed from yellow sand and encased within a large transparent glass dome. The swamps and waters, hills and basins were all clear at a glance. Qu Fongning noticed a streak of agitation between his temples. “This map isn’t right?” he inquired.

“That’s not it. The Merak Phecda States are heteromorphic; they have links with the Vermilion Bird of the South and the Seven Stars in the heavens.” He toggled the glass dome. The casing rattled in motion and revealed hundreds of tiny openings. Faint light projected through, casting onto the surface of two bronze dials. The two, one large and one small; the larger dial glowed in reflection, and the small dial remained dim without light.

“This sun dial calculates the changing patterns of Merak State’s topography; it’s called the ‘Sun’s Stellar Order.’ We’ve already got it,” said Yujien, pointing to the larger dial. As the mechanism moved, the sun dial shifted in splendor, and the Merak State morphed into many forms on the sandbox.

Queen Lan gave him this. It was stark clear in Qu Fongning’s heart. And he thus asked, “We didn’t get the one for Phecda State?”

Yujien’s brows furrowed deep. “Yeah. That Moon’s Stellar Statute isn’t in A’lan’s hands. Even though she is the Grand Shaman of the Oratory, she has no right to learn it.”

Qu Fongning found him keeping nothing from himself, felt rather curious, and asked, leaning on him: “Is the ‘Moon’s Stellar Order’ in Princess Uli’s hands?”

“Clever.” Yujien smooched him and then laughed. “It was from when King Shrunle found out those two didn’t get along, and he had no intention of conciliation. To only have one of the Sun or Moon’s Stellar Order is completely useless without the other. As long as those two never convene with each other, Khilan can stay in peace for eternity.”

A tangle of thoughts suddenly blew open in Qu Fongning’s mind. His heart thumped violently. Yujien seemed to have felt it and lowered his head. “What?”

“I’m thinking about the time years ago when I first met you,” Qu Fongning pulled a lie.

“You are all and grand this big, what years ago? What about first met me?” Yujien chortled .

Qu Fongning wrinkled his nose and laughed.

“You’re handsome and good on hand; I like you very much!”

“Little kid knows shit about like.” Yujien laughed heartily and threw his entire person onto the bed. “I’ll teach you what is called like.”


The Chienye aid troops set out on the next day. The mighty procession of sixty thousand troops, following the guidance of the Khilan ambassador, crossed Merak State and came before the Eternal Sea. As Princess Uli got wind, she led the Imperial Army retreat into the minor Phecda State. From afar, King Shrunle expressed his immense gratitude of immeasurable thanks. Chienye cordially beseeched to escort King Shrunle and Queen Lan back to the palace to discuss the matter of quelling the rebel army, and annihilate all future threats. King Shrunle spilled his ancient tears, acknowledging Chien’s love and righteousness, but rejected all other matters. “Cunning and sly,” scoffed Yujien, then encamped on the edge of the greater Merak State. The Imperial Army came to raid on three, five occasions, and before long, the prison maps started to overcrowd. And this most frustrating and least profitable work was precisely the responsibility of the new-recruits battalion. Their days and nights reversed, grueling and exhausted, but they dared not complain.

One day, Uighshön’s underling came to report: amongst the prisoners, there was an elder who claimed to be a reverend of the royal family, and he wished to tribute the Sun and Moon’s Stellar Orders to the General. Though Qu Fongning had no title or position, the bunch of new soldiers had long taken him as the leader. As he listened, he only laughed and called for the elder. The elder found him young, and immediately rolled his eyes. “Kid hasn’t even grown full of your teeth. I have nothing to say to you,” he said mockingly. Qu Fongning chuckled. “Don’t try me. ‘Heaven graces moon breaks live water deeps, three enclosures four cardinals flame burns trees.’ Correct?”

The muscles on the elder’s face jerked, and he changed a set and knelt. “I have confidential intel to tribute to my lord.” Qu Fongning spread out a white cloth before his eyes and cut open his finger, and said: “You draw out the Moon’s Stellar Order first.” The elder suppressed the pain and drew. Qu Fongning only took one look and gave an insidious sneer. “I told you to draw the Moon’s Stellar Order, not a talisman to catch ghosts,” he said. “This is the Moon’s Stellar Order, a thousand truths and ten thousand certainties,” asserted the elder. Qu Fongning ordered him tied up and a solid course of whipping. How could the elder withstand such a severe beating; he pleaded repeatedly, professed that he was only a servant of the Oratory, and was commanded to come tribute to the false orders. “Then I presume you wouldn’t know what the real orders look like?” Qu Fongning said with a smile. The elder kowtowed and pleaded: “This little old man truly knows nothing. The two Stellar Orders are the most supreme secret of our tribe. How could anyone know it?” Qu Fongning’s smile deepened. “No worries, I’ll speak, you’ll draw,” he whispered to his ear, caught the elder’s hand, dipped in his soiled blood, and drew out an extremely detailed stellar diagram. The elder’s horror intensified the more he looked. “You… You…” he wheezed, aghast.

As Qu Fongning dragged out the last brush, he gave him a radiant smile. “Seeing you so surprised, it seems you are not all clueless,” he said, snapped his neck with a crack, and cradled the blood-soaked stellar diagram to offer the goods.

Yujien took over the stellar diagram and studied carefully, listened to his half-true made-up report, and held his frown in silence. So, it turned out that this Moon’s Stellar Order was completely reversed with the Sun’s Stellar Order; the locations and mantras had almost nothing in resemblance. To say they were twins, they were most unlike each other. And he thus called in the group for counsel. Shivon was the oldest, he said: “I’ve seen countless fake orders in the past twenty years. Not one is not analogous to the Sun’s Stellar Order; that is to confuse the senses, to knock the real with the fakes. This Moon’s Stellar Order is unique. I dare say it might have some truth.” The others nodded in agreement. Guo Wuliang was heightened in spirit. “Tian-ge, take a try. I have a couple of shrewd soldiers under my order. On the mission, they can carry colored smoke to investigate the paths. There will be no concerns about them getting lost,” he said. Yujien knew his feelings and said with a smile, “Then I shall trouble you tomorrow.” Then he turned and retreated in.


Night, the soils of the greater Merak State froze from the frosty chill. As the leather boots strut across, it crackled like ice. Thousands of military camps stationed there, with bonfires blazing before the yurts. Yujien’s main pavilion also stood behind the flames, which illuminated the movements on the interiors sharp and clear.

Qu Fongning replaced Oyghrmuki to guard within the yurt, pillowing on his weapons. He had served Yujien to bed, and laid carelessly on the ground with a thin blanket around himself. His eyes watched the blowing vesture surface, casting out Yujien’s handsome laying silhouette.

Everything economized in conquest; Yujien’s bed was only a narrow bunk pieced together from crude planks. He seemed to have felt his shining gaze and turned over. “Still not sleeping? Too excited?”

Qu Fongning shook his head. “General, the things the Khilan Shaman drew today? Is it useful?” he inquired.

“Useful or useless, we’ll know with a try tomorrow,” said Yujien. He stretched over his hand and touched his ear. “If what he said is true, I’ll award you first honor.”

“I’m not thinking about military honor,” said Qu Fongning, quietly.

Yujien’s rough knuckles caressed his face, his finger belly traced his lips. “What are you thinking about?”

His hand carried the scent of the armored steed’s bloody rust, with a thick air of smoke. Qu Fongning opened his teeth ajar and bit lightly on his finger, his eyes saying:

“I’m thinking about this.”

Yujien’s gaze deepened. Lust rushed onto his face, but he shook his head. “Ningning, they can see from outside,” his mouth said, but he lingered about in his lips before retreating his finger.

Qu Fongning had just turned on his flames, and his eyes already took on moisture.

“I want to touch you.”

“Da-ge wants to touch you too,” said Yujien, huskily. His gaze burning, his breathing deep, his voice curled word by word into Qu Fongning’s ear: “want to strip you bare, kiss all over you, make you cry and beg beneath me. If you are a woman, I would fuck you so hard you can’t even scream no more.”

These words he said stoked the heart even more than the embers. Qu Fongning curled on the hard earth with a mere sheet of waterproof grease paper under him. It was uncomfortably hard between his legs. He awkwardly shifted into another position.

Yujien also turned his direction. “Ningning, see you tomorrow.”

Qu Fongning answered. But having received no comfort, he remained full of unloosened desire. Perhaps humans are just this base in nature; of being fully aware something ought not be done, and still want to try it, as if possessed.

He was tortured into tussling back and forth, and only gained the doze after a long time. And it seemed as if he only had an extremely short nap, he felt something warm caressing his back and gradually sliding down. When he opened his eyes, he was still very groggy. He met Yujien’s deep-set eyes, therein was a smile. “Ningning, come up.”

In his disorientation, Qu Fongning took a glance outside. The night was still dull without light, the bonfires had dimmed, and only pale green smoke lingered above the white cinders.

He woke instantly, swiftly turned over the thin blanket, and lunged over towards Yujien at arms-length away. Yujien enveloped him into his arms, pressed him heavily beneath himself, and kissed him fiercely. Qu Fongning’s lust that had been repressed for an entire night finally found its release. He responded fervently, and the pair kissed hard to separate. When they parted, the corners of Qu Fongning’s eyes moistened. “I didn’t sleep well all night,” he panted.

Yujien’s eyes were bloodshot. “I didn’t sleep either. I was thinking about you, wanting to touch you,” he said in a low voice. It seemed he had endured for too long; the movements of peeling his clothes were extra hasty, even a little rough.

Qu Fongning responded to his movements by lifting his waist, letting him remove his uniform. Outside the yurt, the high sky was like the ocean, the icy winds wuthered, the camps were full of sleeping soldiers, but the main pavilion permeated with breaths of love. Perhaps he was compelled by the air of taboo. He enquired in between: “Da-ge, how about we try that?”

Yujien kissed him, almost unable to speak. “That?”

“The one you wanted me to try,” said Qu Fongning.

Yujien’s movements stopped, unclear from delight or surprise. “… Now?”

Qu Fongning bit his lips, pushed him onto the bed, his body slowly descended, and his lips paused before the buckle almost bulging off the hugely swollen breeches.

Yujien propped up his upper half, found his expression hesitant, his fingers brushed into his streaming raven black locks. “Don’t force yourself.”

“I’m not forcing,” said Qu Fongning, quietly. He helped him unbind the buckle and relieve the breeches. Yujien’s inner white underwear couldn’t contain the entirety of his colossal stem, the purplish red crown already popped out.

He hooked the underwear downwards by the edges, and the dark, thick object suddenly lurched out, almost springing onto his face. Compared to the glance that day under the moon, his manhood was even more fearsome in proximity. The pillar struck the sky like the proud head of an angry dragon, with veins spiraled upwards, like a roost of green dragons. The length was unmeasurable, must be at least nine cun at the least. Hair stretched from the navel to the lower loins, growing dense and lush.

He thought he must have wrecked his head from this sleepless night. Having felt, unexpectedly, no repulsion, he lowered his head and took the giant cock into his mouth. Yujien’s whole body jerked, the hand caressing his hand also increased in force, and he felt an immediate triumph. I knew you’d like it. And he stifled the discomfort and tried to swallow in further.

The member was overly thick and large. As it plugged into his mouth, it filled his mouth with almost no space for air. He didn’t yet know about sucking or licking, and only mindlessly pushed forward. As he swallowed about a third, he felt the difficulty of breathing and the discomfort of his throat, and raised his eyes at Yujien, enquiring whether he should let it out.

It would’ve been good and all if he didn’t take this glance. As he looked, Yujien’s invariably composed eyes completely dissolved into utter desire. His valiant, handsome face even took on a brush of carmine. As he saw him watching dazedly, a sliver of tyranny suddenly appeared in his eyes. The hand originally brushing at his head changed into a downward push, pressing his head deeper towards himself.

Qu Fongning had thought there could be no more room in his mouth, but with the hard push, it expanded some more, and he took in two more cun. Counting now, he had swallowed in half. By then, even breathing with his nose was difficult to sustain, and the scorching head poked so hard into his throat, he almost gagged, and started to writhe with groans.

Usually, Yujien had always tended to him gently and patiently, filled their amorous communions with ceaseless words of love, and every time he would let him be comforted first before all else. Now it was as if he had changed into someone else, all without regard, plunging straight and hard into his mouth. In truth, this scene seemed somewhat familiar; that day in the pouring deluge when he expressed his love, it was just as savage.

As the walls Qu Fongning’s mouth became tightly pressured, saliva brimmed out of his mouth. Wind ran thin in the open great pavilion, and these wet plunging echoes sounded lewd to the extreme. Qu Fongning felt both embarrassed and frightened and desperately wished to duck back. But how could he resist Yujien’s stone-heavy hand? He only felt the corners of his lips stretched to the limit, almost within an edge of tearing. His throat burned and seared, and drops of bitter liquid drizzled in, unknown to be seed or cum.

Approaching suffocation, his head lightened, and he hurried to spit it out. He saw the large half of Yujien’s member glistening with moisture and connected to the corner of his lip by a long streak of silvery thread.

Just as he was dying of embarrassment, his body was suddenly pulled up and violently dunked onto the bed, slamming his back with a staggering pain. A blackness came before his eyes, Yujien already pressed on top, panting hoarsely. His breathing never before hot and eager, he assaulted his lips in consuming bites, and his hand shed the trousers by his butt down to his ankles. “Squeeze your legs together!” he commanded.

Qu Fongning closed in his legs as bid, and felt a broiling hard member thrusting in, plunging back and forth between his slender but firm thighs.

Shocked and unsettled, his lips warmed. It was the tip of Yujien’s tongue probing into his lips, synchronizing the movements of his lower body, stroking his tongue fast and slow.

Even without the true experience of cloud and rain, he knew this was what it meant to fuck him. Yujien’s collisions again and again made his body shake without cease. His heart felt a little grieved, a little frightened, but much more an ineffable and complex tendresse.

Yujien thrusted between his thighs a dozen times. The frequency came higher and higher, and the magnitude became larger and larger. At last, his whole body tensed and almost pushed him into the depths of the earth; he groaned low, and shot out loads of cum between his legs, even spilling onto his lap and smearing all over his rear.

Qu Fongning only felt a plain of humid hotness on his lower body, and the musky scent of male essence instantly filling his nostrils. Yujien’s heavy body compressed on him, his panting rushed, and his body was still sweating. Soon, he rose and saw his face. “Cross?” he said, huskily.

Qu Fongning answered no and pushed at him. “You’re crushing me.”

Yujien didn’t move. “Da-ge didn’t control just now, I’ve forced you.” He kissed his eyes. “Won’t be like this again.”

He got up to remove his sweat-soaked tunic and took Qu Fongning back into his arms.

Qu Fongning had his bare back to him, mumbling in a tiny voice. “Was it really that snug?”

Yujien’s arms tightened. “Snug was one thing. The way you lifted your head to look at me, it was too…” He paused, trying to find the right word. “—stimulating.”

Finding him still sulking by himself, he whispered, “I’ll give you…?”

Qu Fongning stiffened from head to toe. “No, I dare not,” he declined instantly.

“Then we’ll talk again,” Yujien followed the stream. He extended his hand over to his crotch and stroked him. Qu Fongning was nowhere as enduring as he was; after a brief loving caress, he came. The pair cuddled and slept a small half of an after nap, until the longhorns blared, and Qu Fongning hastily crawled up for a wipe, put on his riding boots and dashed out.


In a few days, good news came from Guo Wuliang: The Moon’s Stellar Order offered by the elder was genuine, and the minor Phecda State could be conquered any day. And so, this agreeable surprise instantly turned around the situation. The Chienye armies channeled their mounts by the diagram and drove into the Eternal Sea. As the long-relaxed Khilan army met the armored Chienye riders, they scattered like Hydrocharis in raging winds; the petals fell one by one, weak under a single strike. Twilight that day, Uli led the Imperial Army forth, and the three sides confronted on the banks of the Eternal Sea.

At this time, Qu Fongning’s white horse Wind Chaser hadn’t yet been fully trained, and hence he sat astride before Yujien. Black winds soughed above the Eternal Sea. The swamps encircled with pitfalls, and amongst them, a hill solidified into blackness, slept like a maiden. King Shrunle, with his white locks fluttering imposingly, clad in a black pelt, held Queen Lan above the rock. He paid no mind to Princess Uli, but only smiled at Yujien. “It’s been a great effort for the warriors to come so far. I am immeasurably obliged. This Eternal Rock is no place to entertain guests; once the grand affair is settled, we can all have a proper drink.”

“The great king is too kind. It is only right to extend a hand to a friend in need,” said Yujien, clear and loud. He then turned to Uli, and hollered to afar, “Little Uli, I’ll make the mind for you, go make peace with your father. You’re all one family. What hatred can’t a daughter and father get over?”

Dark malignance consumed the Princess’s face, completely changing her into another person. As she heard, she only snorted. “Would that bitch’s head fall to the ground, I’ll gladly put up two hands and never lead an army again.”

Qu Fongning was puzzled: “How did Queen Lan offend the princess, making the princess hate her so much?”

Yujien looked towards the one with a silver lance and mounted on a white horse before the columns of the Imperial Army. “General Herr, you’ll just play along with the prince’s horseplay, and not going to remember a bit of the in-law’s sentiments?”

Herr Gen beamed at him. “Herr Gen worships the princess like a heavenly god; I hark solely to her commands.”

“Such a faithful pilgrim, thy excellency is truly a gem,” Yujien also said with a laugh.

Came a sudden small gasp from the Chienye army. On the Eternal Rock, an elegant woman mannerly revealed herself, with slender brows and fair head, thin and frail. Her gown of plain white ceremonial dress dragged on the ground, but it could not conceal her swelling body. She was pregnant.

“A’lan!” Guo Wuliang was the first to cry with joy.

Queen Lan’s beautiful eyes gave a peer to this side, and her face suddenly paled. She stirred and fell into King Shrunle’s arms.

“Uli, I’ve asked you many times, what irreconcilable hatred do you have with the queen?” King Shrunle signed. “You refuse to explain all this time. We have been father and daughter for twenty-nine years, can’t you spare me this bit of grace?”

“Father, daughter is looking out for you. It’s best if you don’t know!” sneered Uli. She swung her whip and roared: “Whore! Surrender your life!”

Yujien quelled the furious shouts behind his back. “Princess Uli, Queen Lan is our Chienye tribesman of most noble status. Are you disregarding us by being so rude to her?”

“Chienye tribesman, Hmph! Truly one of a sort.” Uli jeered, spurred her horse forward, and pointed to Queen Lan. “Lan Suer, do you mean for me to shout out all the shameless things you’ve done in front of your old lover?”

Queen Lan’s frail frame shivered like a fall leaf. She shook her head repeatedly. Guo Wuliang rushed up, erupting in fury: “A’lan is aloof in her purity and not good with words, but she doesn’t deserve to be humiliated by your lot! Don’t you dare scorn and abuse her without abandon, seeing her with no support.”

Uli threw her head back to three cackles and an abrupt halt. “Aloof in her purity? Ask her, whose child is that in her womb?”

Qu Fongning was profoundly stunned: “The queen’s child has another father? Who?”

Queen Lan’s face lost all colors of blood, then came a layer of ill redness. His head went blank, and between now and then, an answer came to the call. But this answer was too disturbing, for he couldn’t dwell on it in detail.

King Shrunle’s face changed as well. “My queen, we have lived with gentle respect and courtesy for many years, and only have a child until now. I trust you and love you, and will never have any suspicion,” he said softly.

Queen Lan cradled her swelling belly with her fair eyes sealed shut.

“The child is mine, yes?” King Shrunle’s voice dropped all the gentler.

At this time, the sky had fallen dark, and the three armies lit their torches. Under the swaying flames and shadows, Queen Lan’s thin frame appeared even more pitiful and sympathy evoking.

Guo Wuliang couldn’t hold back. “A’lan, A’lan, say something,” he cried. “Don’t let these people wrong you!”

Queen Lan’s figure gave another shake. The dark strands by her cheeks sagged. Her gaze seemed evasive and dodging, yet also reckless without all regard. “Liang-ge, spring this year, I had a dream.”

Her eyes glistened, even her speech took on a layer of misty vapor: “In that dream, my body was so light; it rode the winds and tugged on the clouds, and in a moment’s time, it went back to Mei waters, back to Kurze Hill. The Mother Tree was as green as before, and there bloomed full of snow-white flowers by the waterside. I joyously picked up so many flowers, made myself a huge flower wreath and put it on my head, and sang… Liang-ge, take a sniff, the flowers are still sweet!”

Tears piled in Guo Wuliang’s warrior eyes. “A’lan, say no more! Liang-ge will take you home, take you to pick the flowers!” he called, his voice trembling.

Queen Lan stubbornly shook her head. “No, Liang-ge, I’m already married. I am someone else’s wife now. You also have a wife and children, and you’ll never again be that bygone person. It’s been so many years! Liang-ge, you’ve aged, your white mare has also aged. But in that dream, you were still so young.”

Guo Wuliang gave an excruciating screech. The hand beneath the silver armor clasped fast to blood.

Beneath the flamelight, Queen Lan’s frame wavered between here and there, while she cooed: “You didn’t change at all from before, riding the white mare on the sea of flowers, gently smiling at me, extending me the whip from your hand. Liang-ge, I caught it this time. We’ll never be apart again! I’ll give you many, many children, more than Big Brother Andai’s and Tian-ge’s… added all together!”

“A’lan, wake up! You are dreaming again!!” cried Guo Wuliang, hard suppressing the agony in his heart.

Queen Lan held her belly in a feverish delirium, her voice ever most tender: “This is a dream? If this is a dream, I never want to wake up.”

Her tone was tenderly besotted and entangling with sentiments, but Qu Fongning felt more and more horror as he listened. Yujien held one arm around his waist, his expression impassive beneath the ghost mask, inscrutable of joy or ire.

Uli’s face had fallen bronze green. By now her rage was no longer containable, she exploded: “Lan Suer, you shameless whore! My father has treated you with the sincerest love and unbound kindness. You’ve been in Khilan for ten years, and when have we ever wronged you? But you instead play your madness and stupidity, and try to seduce my husband!”

Queen Lan’s delicate frame quailed, and her gaze scattered behind a haze. “Who is your husband? Herr Gen?” she said, shaking her head. “No, I’ve never seduced him. I’ve never even spoken to him. How can you call that seduction?”

“You’re going to deny it? Uli’s voice cracked. “The third of Fourth month this year, what were the two of you creeping about on the Crane Watch Terrace? You planted the menagerie full of white flowers, dressed yourself like a maiden, and coyed to him in all manners right before my eyes. Are you taking me blind? All you want, your whole life, is to rekindle the old flame of your past love. Herr Gen carries some likeness to him, and your undying, thieving heart will not even let that slip.”

The crowd scrutinized Guo Wuliang and Herr Gen. Both on a white horse and in silver armor, and elegant with gentility; striking at first glance, they really shared some resemblance.

Queen Lan muttered as if still in a dream: “Was that the menagerie? No, impossible, there are no suze flowers in Khilan, not a single one.”

“My queen,” Herr Gen opened his mouth, the smile still hanging on his lips. “That day, when Your Majesty fell into this humble one’s arms and ordered me to disrobe your dress, shoes and socks, that wasn’t what you said. Your Majesty said you are far from your homeland, lonely at court, and envious of seeing the young couples intertwining neck and head! And mentioned the great king is old and feeble, and unable to… satisfy your needs, giving you only the title of husband and wife, but not the substance of husband and wife. This humble one was bewildered and wished to take my leave, but Your Majesty beckoned to this humble one again, asking who is more beautiful between you and Uli. To speak in appearance, Your Majesty is naturally more beautiful. But the princess is my hair-bound and promised wife. She is the one and only in my heart; of the tens of thousands of women in the world, none can compare to her.”

The corners of King Shrunle’s eyes gave a faint quiver, his expression fell dark.

“Why are you slandering me? I didn’t say a single line of what you’ve said,” Queen Lan said quietly, continually shaking her head.

“Your Majesty told me many things from the past. The most you talked was about General Guo. Your Majesty said I and General Guo look very similar,” Herr Gen said mildly. “That day, you were drunk… and I was drunk as well.”

Guo Wuliang’s entire armor rattled in a suppressed clatter; it seemed he was fiercely trying to stifle his anguish.

“On the morning after, when I woke from my hangover, I finally realized my great error. I had wanted to atone in death, but you pleaded desperately, said it was all Your Majesty’s wishes, and had nothing to do with me. And I was also weak of mind, and muddled on until now. Every time I think about it, I wish I was dead,” Herr Gen said apologetically. “My queen, you’ve committed such a terrible sin. Don’t you feel any unease in your heart?”

Queen Lan backed a step, her face in great terror. “No,” her voice trembled, “it wasn’t like that. It was you—”

“Whose child is it?” King Shrunle’s ancient voice interrupted her.

“No, no, that’s not true! It’s, it was the spirits. The spirits had stolen my dreams…” Queen Lan, hair-disheveled, completely changed from the elegant woman. “Tian-ge, Tian-ge, come!”

Uli had almost grounded her teeth into smithereens. “Father,” she hollered, “even if I have to end our ties and affections today, your daughter must kill this shameless woman!” Her whip cracking at the earth, she ordered: “Where is Elder Cha? I command you to act immediately, detain the king and the queen!”

A gray shadow appeared behind King Shrunle, but it stood bowed and motionless. Bodies pillowed on each other along the Eternal Rock; the King’s Imperial Guards covered the grounds.

“Where aren’t you taking action?” barked Uli.

Elder Cha gave a great jerk, said nothing—and entirely collapsed front and straight.

Dardum walked out behind him with a heckle: “It’s been a few years, the princess is as gallant as ever.” He waved his hand, and two columns of shadow dark Ghost Army came crisscrossing left and right, and held down King Shrunle.

Princess Uli’s face fell from green to ash, her head even rattled cracks at the turn. “Yujien, you … well played.”

“Little Uli, you just can’t hold your temper.” Yujien let out a laugh. “Khilan’s kindness to Chienye is as vast as the sea, and you and I have been friendly for many years. How can I bear seeing you daughter and father turn against one another?”

“Well said. Let me kill her first!” said Uli with a tone of ice.

“It’s not that I am trying to shield my tribesmen, but something is very off about this matter, which makes it impossible for one not to be suspicious. Why would Queen Lan arbitrarily mistake an old acquaintance? She had been pregnant for seven months, how come you’d only known until now? And so thorough was your operation, how did the Imperial Guard gain this intel, as to come to the anarchy of today?”

He regarded Herr Gen, full of interest. “Yabghu Herr, what do you think? Or should I call you… the late Deputy Counselor of the Privy Council of the Southern Empire, He Kerang, his son, He Yingzhen?”

  1. 易经 I-Ching; Book of Ching, ancient text of philosophy. 

  2. 申時 Shen Time. 15:00-17:00. Forst quarter of Shen Time: 15:30. 

  3. 寅時 Yin Time, 03:00-05:00. 酉時 You Time, 17:00-19:00 

  4. Bulu(s) are wooden weapons in the shape of sickles. 

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